Church Planting

The Marks of Effective Leadership

In his book, Dying for Change, American author Leith Anderson recounts the story of the battle of Saratoga, west of the Hudson River, during the American War of Independence. It was a confrontation that many historians consider to have been the turning point of the Revolution. In purely numerical terms the American patriot troops faced […]

Tim Keller on Church Planting

Clarifying our Mission – part 2 – the most important clarity of all.

Clarifying our Mission – part 1- learning from the early church

RTG 8: Rediscovering the Kingdom – the yeast of Platonism

The teaching of the Greek Philosopher Plato has been, and remains, the most dominant and influential philosophy in western history. Even though few of us spend much time pondering his work; even though many of us might struggle to know the difference between him and the former ninth planet in our universe, every one of […]