HGLT 3: Forming the Covenant

Despite the fact that the idea of covenant is a constant and vital element in the bible’s narrative, many of us journey quite some distance into our Christian lives before we ever realize it. It’s a real pity because there are few aspects to the Christian message that are more revolutionary and transformative for both our thinking and our praxis as followers of Jesus. The God who has revealed himself to us is a God of covenant and as those created in his image, we have been made to be people of covenant.

The Attractions of the New Perspective(s) on Paul – Lignon Duncan

Ligon Duncan, a former moderator of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), came to the attention of many of us on this side of the pond in 2007 when he was quoted at the start of a Christianity Today article about the ‘New Perspective’ on Paul. The quote goes, ‘new perspective theology undercuts the certainty […]

Developing Young Leaders – James Lawrence

James Lawrence is the Director of the Church Pastoral Aid Society development team and the Arrow leadership programme.  This audio is an interview with him that was first used at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit in 2011. It is a great discussion about how we can go about encouraging and developing young leaders in our […]