The cross is God’s truth about us, and therefore it is the only power that can make us truthful. When we know the cross we are no longer afraid of the truth. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cost of Discipleship
The Truth of the Cross
Deliverance beyond our Feeling
Christians are persons who no longer seek their salvation, their deliverance, their justification in themselves, but in Jesus Christ alone. They know that God’s Word in Jesus Christ pronounces them guilty, even when they feel nothing of their own guilt, and that God’s Word in Jesus Christ pronounces them free and righteous even when they […]
Rediscovering the Gospel – Introduction
I’ve been a follower of Jesus for some twenty-nine years now and for most of that time I’ve been struggling with a form of cognitive dissonance. The condition arises when what one believes to be true and what one knows to be true are not in alignment. My particular dissonance arises from two undeniable realities […]